How to Create a Business Profile on Google

 Step 1: Go to and sign in your google account.

Step 2: Go to create a profile to create profile for your business. 

Step 3: Enter your business name. We can also select from the business which are already exist from the list. (Note: If you get a message that someone else has already verified the business, request ownership of the Business Profile).

Step 4: Search for your business category.

Step 5: Click Next. 

Step 6: Choose whether your business have a location customers can visit.

If there is business hours for your shop then click Yes. 

Enter your business address or mark your business shop position on a map to locate in google map. After getting finish click Next.

If there is no business timings for your shop then click No.

Step 7: Enter service region of your business.

We can set our service region based on town/cities, postal codes, or some other areas that you are serving. We can add up to 20 service regions. 

Google recommending that we do not extend the boundaries of business overall area farther than 2 hours driving time from where the business is based. Sometime we may have larger area for some businesses. 

Step 8: Enter your phone number and your website URL (Note: Only individual phone number that should not be already registered in business profile).

Step 9: Click Next (we may also have the option to create a website based on your information).

Step 10: Click Finish.


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